[Kansas City, MO] Brian Gerich, Senior Vice President of Public Storage Inc., and an outstanding Orthodox Christian, recently joined the board and is committed to help carry out the mission of the organization.
Among his many accomplishments, Mr. Gerich has been one of the most critical members of the Board of Trustees of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary since 1989 and Co-Chair of their first major capital campaign. He has also been awarded The Order of St. Sava, 3rd Degree, from the Serbian Church, one of the Serbian Church’s highest honors.
And in May 2007, he was awarded the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor. He was chosen to receive this award out of thousands of nominees because of his dedication and leadership qualities in community service and helping others.
Gerich, one of this nation’s most outstanding Orthodox Christian laymen, and a leading layman of the Serbian Archdiocese.”
The board is intentionally pan-orthodox in its makeup, composed of individuals from the following backgrounds: Greek, Antiochian, OCA, Carpatho-Russian and Serbian, which is helping to unify the church together. The Board includes Charles Ajalat, Chairman, William Hoeft, Vice Chairman, Dr. Julie Papatheofanis, Secretary, V. Rev. Fr. Tom Avramis, Lory Barsdate Easton, the Executive Director, Fr. Justin Mathews, and now, Mr. Brian Gerich.
FOCUS North America and its programs are committed to serve those in need, support Orthodox Christian social action ministries and supply parishes and others with the education, resources and training to initiate social action ministries in their own communities. In all of this, they continue in the work of Restoring Living Icons.