Taking Action: Small Steps to Serve Our Neighbors in Need

While poverty in America seems overwhelming, each of us has the power to truly make a difference. You can start small! Simple acts of kindness can transform lives, including your own, and make the Lord’s Kingdom manifest. 

You can create a Blessing Bag—a small but impactful gesture which can help bring hope to someone in need. Here’s how to make one:

  1. Start with a gallon-sized plastic bag.
  2. Fill it with nonperishable essentials such as a first aid kit, granola bars, socks, and other useful items.
    • Avoid adding perfumed items like soap, which can affect the smell of everything in the bag.
  3. Keep the Blessing Bag in your car or backpack, so you’re ready to share it with someone in need!

Even if you don’t have a Blessing Bag on hand, a personal interaction can go a long way. Stop to introduce yourself to someone in need: share your name, ask for theirs, and offer to pray for them—while also asking them to pray for you. These small, human moments can provide a sense of connection, peace, and dignity for someone facing difficult circumstances.

In addition to personal acts of service, you can also financially support broader efforts to combat poverty. By becoming a monthly donor to FOCUS North America, you can help sustain the work of Orthodox Christians coming together to serve their communities. In the past two years, FOCUS has grown from five to eleven centers nationwide, a testament to the Holy Spirit bringing the faithful together to serve in the Lord’s name.

Your support is crucial in making this service possible, allowing FOCUS to continue expanding its reach and helping more neighbors in need. Together, we can transform lives!