St. Herman’s house a “one way ticket to Heaven” for those in need.
Sergeant Tim M. of the Cleveland Police Department called St. Herman’s house a “one way ticket to Heaven.” This comment was made after officers helped a woman feed her children
Sergeant Tim M. of the Cleveland Police Department called St. Herman’s house a “one way ticket to Heaven.” This comment was made after officers helped a woman feed her children
FOCUS’ Summer Feeding Program was featured in The Word Magazine’s April issue. Click on the image blow to read the story!
Homeless people “can get food and clothes, but if they haven’t had a shower in three months, they can’t get a job even flipping burgers.” FOCUS’ Jake Austin and our Shower
YES Family Days program was featured in the March issue of The Word. You can view the issue here:…/default/files/march_2016_word.pdf
Click the Image Below to Read the Article
Polamalu was featured by the Christian Examiner as a professional athlete who was “serving in the name of Jesus this Christmas.” You can view the whole article here.
FOCUS North America teamed up with BMAGIC at Bayview Hunters Point Back to School Celebration at Youngblood Coleman Park to help students get ready to go back to school. You can read
See an article about our summer feeding program in Phoenix on the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese website .
FOCUS North America is a major player in the efforts to end food insecurity among school-aged children throughout the country. In an article from September 6, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette highlights
FOCUS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, FEIN: 26-4427803