St. Herman House – FOCUS Cleveland beekeeping program was featured in Freshwater Cleveland, a local e-magazine dedicated to sharing “covering Northeast Ohio’s most creative people, businesses, organizations, and neighborhood developments.”
Read the full article featuring St. Herman House – FOCUS Cleveland here:

Life hasn’t always been sweet to the residents of the St. Herman House–FOCUS Clevelandhomeless shelter, but a touch of honey is helping craft a brighter future.
Four years ago, St. Herman House introduced a beekeeping program with the hopes of not only teaching residents a new and rewarding skill but also generating funds for the nonprofit via honey sales. During that time, the apiary has grown from four to 61 hives, and eight shelter residents have taken part in the program, which has raised $3,500 to date.
And they’re just getting started…
Jen Jones Donatelli, Freshwater Cleveland