Glory to Jesus Christ,
I recently learned over 62,700 adults are under court ordered community supervision in Missouri, according to the latest publication of Probation and Parole in the United States. Over 2,300 of these adults live in the city of St. Louis, and some of these adults visit FOCUS Gateway City for hot meals, clothing, and food pantry items.
All of FOCUS’ guests are in need of loving hospitality, but adults who were recently incarcerated have additional needs – including support services that help them successfully reintegrate into the community. I’m excited to share that this year FOCUS Gateway City is launching a probation and parole support program to specifically help people leaving prison. This is but one of several areas of growth for FOCUS.
I look forward to sharing with you FOCUS’ programmatic growth over the past months, and our plans for the future. Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
In Christ,
FOCUS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, FEIN: 26-4427803