We are grateful for all who serve beside us, both seasoned and new volunteers at FOCUS Minnesota. Here’s a synopsis of current activities and opportunities to help. Contact us if something piques your interest, JavaScript required to view address or 651-222-0712.
Front Desk Receptionist: Needed daily from 10am-2pm
We are in need of a few volunteers answer the phone and take messages, let people into the building and direct them to where they need to go, answer questions about our programming, and perhaps make inquiries for us or confirm Clothes Closet appointments. Hours can be shared.
Food Shelf: Open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, 10-11:30am
Occasional help is needed stocking shelves, filling bags of staples for distribution, dividing large quantities into smaller bags for distribution, picking up food, etc.
Bag Lunch Distribution: Mondays and Thursdays, 11:30am-12:30pm
Volunteers are needed to make sandwiches and pack bags on Thursdays from 10am-12pm. Additional help is needed to distribute and/or deliver lunches to various youth partners and neighbors in need on Mondays and Thursdays.
Clothes Closet: Operating by appointment only
Volunteers needed to meet with clients one-on-one, with masks. At this time we are only accepting winter wear for men, women and children including coats, boots, hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. Please donate all other clothing to other organizations.
Takeout Sunday Dinners: Served most Sundays, 5-7pm
Groups prepare and bring the meal to FOCUS where it is put in to-go containers and distributed. We are scheduling through 2020.
Organize a collection in your parish or neighborhood
We would be honored if you organized a collection on your own. Items in need:
– Winter Outerwear for Men, Women and Children
– New Socks and Underwear for Adults or Kids
– Household Items for Onamia Mission Trip (see previous article)
– Diapers and Wipes
– School Supplies – crayons, markers, No. 2 pencils, ink pens, spiral bound paper, construction paper
FOCUS Minnesota is a local center of FOCUS North America, a national 501c3 nonprofit organization.