FOCUS NORTH AMERICA | CFC# 19541 | Federal EIN# 264427803
Do you or someone within your household work for the federal government or serve with the military? You can automatically designate a gift to FOCUS North America with each federal paycheck received by giving through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
The CFC today is known to be the most inclusive workplace giving campaign in the world with the number of participating charities estimated at over 20,000 nonprofit charitable organizations worldwide. The charities supported through the CFC range from nascent community groups to large, well-known charities. FOCUS North America participates in the CFC every year, and the gifts you set up help Orthodox Christian communities unite to provide food, occupation, clothing, understanding, and shelter to people in need across the country through our unique programs.
You can learn more about the CFC on their website and look up FOCUS using our unique CFC number 19541, or our Federal EIN number 264427803.
FOCUS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, FEIN: 26-4427803