For more information contact: Fr. Justin Mathews, Executive Director & CEO 816.399.0909

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 11, 2009 – Kansas City, MO

FOCUS North America made a successful 20-minute presentation on Thursday June 25th, 2009 to the STANDING CONFERENCE OF THE CANONICAL ORTHODOX BISHOPS IN THE AMERICAS (SCOBA) at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral during its Spring 2009 session.

During this important meeting, although not granted immediate agency status as requested, a resolution was passed by all the Hierarchs in support of FOCUS North America stating: “SCOBA gives FOCUS North America a warm endorsement for this welcomed initiative.”

“As FOCUS North America seeks to grow the direct ministries we are operating and the Pan-Orthodox philanthropic ministries that we propose to engage in on behalf of the whole Church, we are grateful for the warm reception of the Hierarchs and the prayerful guidance of the Study and Planning Commission of SCOBA,” said Fr. Justin Mathews, Executive Director.

“The Board of Directors, staff and many partners of FOCUS North America who have labored for years on behalf of the ‘least of these’ here at home are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to have presented its exciting operations and plans to the esteemed Hierarchs of SCOBA,” said Mr. Charles Ajalat, Chairman of FOCUS North America.

After the meeting all of the Hierarchs and others present enjoyed watching the new FOCUS North America video highlighting its domestic mission and ministries to reach the poor in North America.

FOCUS North America is an Orthodox domestic social action agency formed to serve the poor and needy on behalf of the Church in North America, to support existing Orthodox ministries doing so effectively, and to help welcoming parishes initiate new social action ministries in their own communities. For more information and to watch the FOCUS North America video please visit to

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