Action Must Be Taken!

There are many things that make FOCUS unique. Every interaction, every outstretched hand we are able to offer, is filled with the Orthodox ethos that is the hallmark of all of our interactions – seeing Christ in each person we serve. Through Christ’s teachings, we know that each individual is much bigger than the housing crisis, mental health crisis, legal crisis, or health challenges that he/she might be presenting on the day we meet them. At FOCUS we offer connection – connection to resources, to community, and to Christ! Click each item below to learn how you, as an individual, through your group or parish, or even as part of a broader community can make an impact.

Series (click here to sign-up)

Youth and Young Adult
The YES Series provides a meaningful and intentional online community for youth and young adults across the country to dive into important and relevant topics. Participants receive practical guidance on living life in Christ and reflect in small groups led by YES Leaders.

    • Lenten Series
    • Mini-Series in September
    • Advent Series

Intergenerational (Bridges)

Bridges provides an intentional community each January for high school students, college students, and adults of all ages to build intergenerational relationships through meaningful conversations around relevant topics.

Internship Experience (click here to learn more)

Through an intensive, collaborative experience, the YES Internship Experience empowers its participants to identify their values, strengthen their voice, and explore their vocation.

    • Spring (January – April)
    • Summer (June – August)
    • Fall (September – December)

Servant Leadership Gathering (click here to register)

YES provides an annual experience of Servant Leadership development centered on:

    • Living a life of service
    • Exploring and using your unique gifts
    • Supporting others through their struggles
    • Taking the initiative to lead when you are called
    • Creating community where you are

“The Internship Experience has been meaningful to me because, through it, I have developed my leadership and public speaking skills. More importantly, I have become more confident in my ability to empower and improve my community.”

– YES intern

YES Trips and College Days (click here to participate)

A YES Day Trip is an experience of service designed and facilitated by YES for students and young adults. Participants are exposed to and engaged with poverty in their own community and given the training and resources to be servant leaders.

Reach Outs (click here to setup a ReachOut)

A Reach Out brings a parish together to connect, serve, and reach out to their greater community, cultivating a church without walls.

Local Initiatives

Back to School Backpacks (Summer) (get involved)
FOCUS provides resources and support to serve a group of children through a local school or organization.

Stocking Stuffers (Winter)
FOCUS works with a parish to provide Christmas stockings and a list of needs from a local organization so that parishioners can prepare stuffed stockings for the people they serve.

Community Connections (Spring) (get involved)
FOCUS works with a parish to provide food and fellowship for a ministry in their community, such as a family shelter, after school program, or another homeless or children’s ministry.

“The change in our young people over the course of the YES experience was nothing short of remarkable!” – Fr. Daniel, Parish Priest

FOCUS currently operates seven Centers across the country, with five more in development, each of which is a manifestation of the local Church’s unity and commitment to facing the needs of our neighbors, together.

If your community is interested in developing a new FOCUS Center, the first step is to contact our Director of Operations & Community Engagement, Steven Christoforou, who leads the process (JavaScript required to view address).

The Director of Operations & Community Engagement will then:

  • meet with community leaders to gauge initial interest;
  • visit the city for an in-person Kickoff Meeting with clergy and lay leaders to share the initial plan and walk through the Center development process, and
  • assemble an Exploratory Committee to answer three basic questions:
    • What will this new FOCUS Center do (scope of ministry)?
    • Where will it be located?
    • How will it be sustained (fundraising, volunteers, etc.)?

Once the Exploratory Committee has answered these questions, the FOCUS Board of Directors can consider the city for potential designation as a new Center. Upon such designation, a Center Director can be hired and an Advisory Board can be assembled.

“This is being the Church in the world!” – Vera Proctor, FOCUS Center Director